My heart is bursting with joy at the moment. When I came in after our afternoon walk to download some of the pics taken, something went wrong and I couldn’t see the files. After trying the memory cards recovery program I still couldn’t see the files and started to get a bad feeling in my tummy. I had to interrupt the process to pick up my new phone as the last one went for a swim in the pool, all the while thinking about the images that I wouldn’t be able to see or share…that is until I found a recovery software that met my needs, a small fee later and I have all the photos safe on my computer. I know they are not the most important photos taken and that I could have simply taken Mya back out tomorrow afternoon to take some more happy snaps, but these were of today, a day we’ll never see again, a face that will never be replicated exactly and one I want to see in years to come!