{Cat} ~ portrait photography sunshine coast

March 23, 2012

When people ask me what my favourite subject to shoot is, I start umming and arring as I can never quite pin point what I love to do. I love people, in all shapes, form, sizes, colours and stages of life. There’s no hiding I love my newborn photography, as it is quite special to be a part of something so important, the welcoming of a new little person into this world. After giving birth women don’t see themselves getting out of the pj’s for the first 2 weeks, yet they make such an effort to come and see me in the first 10 days and I am truly honoured for this. Then you have weddings, another huge milestone in our lifetimes, choosing the person we love the most, the one we want to spend the rest of our lives with and sharing this immense joy with the people closest to us, along with the wedding coordinator, celebrant, photographer, videographer and so on! I love that I’m a part of other people’s love and breathe in the hope and dreams that comes with every new marriage. Families, the subjects I most likely relate to the most, each so unique and different, yet we are so alike in many ways and it’s always wonderful to share experiences and simply voice difficulties we are challenged with in our every day lives.

So no, if you ask me, I have no favourite subjects, but I do have favourite moments from all my different sessions;  I loved how nervous we both were going in to this shoot, yet were always ready for a laugh and joke. I love finding that hidden beauty we all have inside, just waiting for the right moment to let it out. I love getting to know one more person from which I can learn from and share experiences with and I love how once all expectations are thrown out the window, there’s only space for the truth and no matter what angle you capture this from, it will always be beautiful.

Thank you cat for our extremely fun session together, you have such a strong warm light shining, that every time you laugh, you make everyone else laugh around you xx