{Happy Birthday}

June 11, 2010

Another year, another birthday and so many new memories.

As with all special occasions, I start to think about so many things, happy thoughts and some not so happy thoughts. I think about how there is always someone missing. Someone that won’t see that extra candle being blown every year, someone that was there for my first one and should have been here for just a few more. For Adria. For Mya. For Alex.

I think about how extremely fortunate I am to have my family, my husband who is always there to support me through it all, my children, without whom I would now cease to exist, my mother, who I have found once again. I consider myself too lucky.

I’ve often had the feeling that someone was watching over me, over us. And he probably is. Today he would have seen Adria get all excited about HER special day, “it’s my happy birthday”, “they are going to sing happy birthday to me”, “we’re going to eat happy birthday muffins”. He would have seen the excited look on Adria’s face and heard the thrill in her voice as all her friends sang happy birthday to her, clapped hands and blew kisses. The awe in Mya’s face while watching her big sister celebrate her big day, couldn’t have been missed by anyone. He would have watched her blow oh so hard to put out those 3 little candles (without counting all of mine) while making a wish. May it come true.

He would have been so proud to see the little amazing person Adria has become in these 3 years. Her kindness towards others. The love she shares with her brother and sister. The smile that radiates warmth. Little miss Sunshine.

Maybe he would have been proud of me too.

Adria and I set out towards the beach this afternoon. The birthday girls. He was there too.

May life always be kind to you little “scimmia”, today, tomorrow and always. May your smile bring happiness to all those that surround you. Light up the darkest of places. And most of all little one, may you always reach for the top, because I’ll always be there to catch you, if you should ever fall. xx