Like with every occasion that I get to photograph another photographers family, I get a little nervous and hope to simply do a good job and do their family justice (as with all my sessions). This was the case with Michelle’s family, even more so, as her wonderful children are teenagers; an age I have absolutely no experience with, if not because I was once a teenager myself. In all honesty, not one I would have wanted to deal with!
I’ve been so used to just making a fool of myself behind the camera, peek-a-booing, making funny noises and acting like so much of a child myself, the adult world was and is still unknown to me!
Lucky for me I must have met the most wonderful group of teenage siblings ever, not afraid to sit next to each other, to share a laugh and even a hug! It was a beautiful start to a day and another experience from which to grow, both as a photographer and a mother. Thank you Michelle for allowing me to spend time with you and your special ones xx