Photo of the Day – part 1 – As soon as I woke up this morning and saw the sun shining (as it often does on the Sunshine Coast) I thought that a nice family outing for breakfast would be the go! Okay, so maybe the sunshine didn’t have much to do with it, as my hunger for something sweet from the bakery did We got to the bakery and everyone chose a different pastry to eat, Mya chose the biggest one…
Photo of the Day – part 2 – Adria chose the most colourful one…
Photo of the Day – part 3 – once we had all finished eating our own, we all circled around Mya like vultures hoping she’d share some of hers. I asked: she said no, Dad asked: she said no, Adria asked: she still said no. So little by little and quite some time later….she had tasted every little piece of HER croissant!