I spent a large part of my Friday morning on my blog, reliving the dream the last 2 years have been. Being able to see the changes in me and my work, reading the support and love I’ve received during this time and the amazing people who have shared a part their lives with me. Words are never going to be enough to express everything I feel and even though I often fall in the bad habit of frustration and negativity, through it all, I could never in a million years have found a more rewarding way to spend what is going to be the largest part of my life, my job.
To find a passion and such a strong sense of need for something, when I wasn’t looking, has been both overwhelming and a huge blessing. I’m not sure about other photographers, but before nearly all my sessions and weddings a thousand thoughts go through my mind that make me feel nervous, excited, doubtful and have me wonder whether I’m going to do a good job…as soon as I start shooting and interacting with my clients, I loose sense of everything else and find myself in my own little zone, my space of peace and light, of joy and love, a place where I see things differently and where my brain goes to rest, as something stronger takes over and logic has no part. I have a strong belief in meant to be and although I know there are so many other photographers who are exceptional at what they do, with a vision I admire and inspire from, there’s only one person I need to be comparing myself to, and that’s me. I need to beat myself and strive to grow, learn, make mistakes and hopefully learn from them and make sure that today is better than yesterday and a place to start from for tomorrow.
I think I’ve spent a great part of my year worrying about what I didn’t want to happen instead of focusing on the things I did want to happen.
I wanted to follow the examples of other photographers and do what I did last year, post my 2011 in images, as I’ve left it to the last minute I probably wouldn’t include all the images I am meant to and a rushed job rarely is a good job, so instead I’m going to say thank you…
Thank you to my husband who supports and puts up with me, although he often puts in his 2 cents worth (2 cents more than what I asked for) I love that he’s so passionate about what I do and the people I do it for. Thank you to Igor for taking over the role of “housewife” and being there, when I couldn’t.
Thank you to my children who have so much patience with me, they’ve taught how to slow down and enjoy the simple things, like how a bouncing ball can make them laugh for a very long time. They too have learnt to love what I do, asking me each and every time the names of the mums and dads, the babies, the bride and groom that I’ve captured that day. I’m thankful that they get excited over a new pair of rubber thongs and thankful for what has become one of our favourite part of the day, bedtime stories. If anyone makes me want to be a better person, they do.
Thank you to my mum, who in her own way does as much as she can for me and my family. Thank you for picking them up from kindy so I could work a little longer, for having sleepovers with the girls so we could every so often see what life was like with only one, for ordering baby cinos with no marshmallows and for loving me in your own way.
Thank you to my in-laws, who have brought the dream of owning our own home closer and who couldn’t have done more for us during our visit to Italy.
Thank you to my friends who have supported me, those who have been doing it for 20 years and those who I have recently discovered. I’m an “interesting” character to be friends with, but have a big heart for all those that stick by me and so many have during the tough times this year. I firmly believe the saying, ” You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family”, thank you to those who have chosen me.
Thank you to Beck, Matt and their 3 children who have brought much love, help and joy since joining me in my journey.
Thank you to each and every one of my clients, who have not only shared a special journey with me and allowed me to capture it for them, but through their happiness and love, made my life better. Thank you for your trust and patience in me, when trying to get that special shot and thank you for letting me be me and most importantly, thank you for our friendship.
Thank you to all the amazing photographers who have shared endlessly with me during this year of growth Christine, Sue, Jesh, Kelley and Tracy, Samm. I still feel like a fish out of water when in the presence of such amazing people and appreciate every single moment I get to spend with them. Looking forward to another year of inspiration and growth.
Thank you to you, reading this post, my followers, my fans, my friends and family. I am a person in constant need of approval and although I’m looking to change that, to seek my own approval first. Your feedback, messages, emails, likes, make me want to strive for more, be better and share the joy and tears I am so lucky to witness.
I am grateful for so much more in my life, but have most likely lost a lot of you at my first paragraph, if not sentence so I’m going to start the new year in the best way I know how, sharing what makes me happy by making someone else happy. An italian tradition is to play Tombola on New Years Eve (Bingo) so to those that would like the chance to have a session with me, simply comment on this blog post and at midnight tonight, I will draw a number which will correspond to the same number comment. The winner will win a complete photographic experience with me, giving me the chance to capture some special memories at the beginning of their 2012.
Wishing you all a happy and safe start to your 2012, thank you to those who were a part of my 2011. Anya xx