Tomorrow my little girl starts school. As much as I’ve been mentally preparing for this day and telling myself that having her in school will allow me more time to do the things I need to do, as well as stimulate her growing needs to learn, explore and question it all; I’m going to miss her like crazy. It seems like just yesterday I was holding that little angel with a head full of hair, so quiet and peaceful, with the most gentle nature, just like her father Yet here we are, ready to embark upon the adventure of school! If there’s something I could wish for Adria, it would be to do what she loves doing, not care what other people think or say and to not be scared of failing, the important thing is to have tried! There’s going to be so many bumps along this winding road and I hope to be there for her in times of need, no judgement, no expectations, simply the love I’ve had for her since the very first day I knew she was with me. The unconditional kind that requires no words.
I’m so proud of the person you have become in these short 4 years and so excited to see the amazing person you will be in the future!
Happy first day of school Adria xx